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Hi Def Spirit
This scanner delivers the best “out of the box” pictures with good color and contrast for immediate editing that does not require an abundance of resolution. Excellent when crisp, colorful 1920 X 1080 pictures are needed for a fast and efficient workflow. Ideal for content slated for online streaming. Not long ago, Spirit was considered the best scanner available until the Scanity was introduced. However, these pictures can still exceed the quality of many of today’s 4K Bayer scanners which upscale resolution.
Hi Def Spirit Hourly Rates 1/2 Hr Min. No hidden download or docking fees! | Rates (35mm, 16 mm, S8, R8) |
1920 x 1080 High def with color correction direct to ProRes422 (3X film run time) | 425.00/Hr. |
1920 x 1080 High def flat onelight direct to ProRes422 (2X film run time) | 425.00/Hr. |
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2k/4k Scanity
This scanner delivers the best flat pictures containing maximum resolution and information for off site color correction. Scanity is one of the few scanners capable of true RGB 4K (4096 X 3112) scans in super 8, 16mm and 35mm. This means you get all pixel information directly from the film source without unwanted Bayer resolution upscaling (interpolation) seen on most scanners. This is why Scanity is generally considered the best scanner in the world for commercial archival, cinema and streaming applications.
2k/4k Scanity Hourly Rates1/2 Hr Min. No hidden download or docking fees! | Rates (35mm, 16 mm, S8, R8) |
True 4096 x 2160 (4k) Flat onelight direct to DPX or ProRes4444 (3X film run time) | 525.00/Hr. |
True 2048 x 1080 (2k) Flat onelight direct to DPX or ProRes4444 (2X film run time) | 525.00/Hr. |
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Premium Single Roll
Scan Services
Lower Price! Now available at HD(Spirit) or 2K (Scanity) resolution!
Need to test a camera or batch of film? We can help you do it economically!
Transfer a maximum of 50’ of super 8 – or – 100’of 16mm – or – 200’ of 35mm film
Premium Prep & Sonic Clean Service – Included!
Color Graded HD or Flat 2K Scan – Your Choice!
Capture and Download – Included!
SanDisk 16 GB Flash Drive (file storage media) – Included!
Single Test Roll: Only $95.00
Two or More Rolls: Only $79.00 each
Hourly Sound Upgrades
Hourly Sound Upgrades (1 Hr. Min.) | Price Per Hour |
8mm V3 Magnatic Sound on HD Spirit (1 or 2 track) | 125.00/Hr |
35mm/16 mm Magnatic or Optical Sound on HD Spirit | 125.00/Hr |
35mm/16 mm Magnatic or Optical Sound on 2k/4k Scanity | 150.00/Hr |
Set-up Fees and Services
Set-up Fees and Services | Price Per Session |
Regular 8mm V3S Gate on Hi Def Spirit | 75.00 |
Hard Drive Reformarting to MAC (Per drive) | 25.00 |
30 Day File Vaulting (Upto 300 gigs) | 25.00 |
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Quality Storage Solutions from Spectra
In-House Storage Media Full Gurantee on Transfers when using in-house supplied drives! |
Price |
4 TB Samsung T7 Shield SSD Drive w/USB-C | 379.00 |
2 TB Samsung T7 Shield SSD Drive w/USB-C | 239.00 |
1 TB Samsung T7 Shield SSD Drive w/USB-C | 159.00 |
64 GB Extreme Flashdrive w/USB 3.0 | 59.00 |
32 GB Flashdrive w/USB 3.0 | 35.00 |
16 GB Flashdrive w/USB 3.0 | 25.00 |
Spectra Cloud Remote Access per GB (50.00 Min.) | 1.00 |
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Better Quality . Better Pricing . Better Service
Spectra suites now offer true RGB 4K or hi-definition SCANITY and Spirit Datacine scans complete with multi-tier Da Vinci digital color correction for the very best in professional film transfer technology. We specialise in offering our clients the unique flexibility to transfer virtually any film format on the best equipment intended for high-end feature film and commercial film applications. Bringing this exclusive technology to the ordinary filmmaker is our business!
Check out some recent jobs fresh off our HD Spirit. Both jobs are shot entirely in super 8 using Kodak 200T color negative and TriX black and white. SCREAM grain reduction was applied to color portions only. Using our new system, these are undoubtedly the best looking super 8 film transfers you will find anywhere in the world! You can rely on Spectra to take the nostalgia and beauty of film to the max!

More info at:

More info at:

Spectra is now one of the few sources that will provide true RGB 4K (4096 X 3112) scans in super 8, 16mm and 35mm from their recently installed DFT Scanity RGB scanner.

Today’s scanners typically yield a very flat, uncorrected image for off-site color correction. The image above provides some idea what to expect raw files from our Scanity to look like (left) and how they should look after a good colorist has applied image adjustments (right).

Should you wish to have a professional colorist grade your “flat pass” 2K/4K DPX files to look good for immediate editing, Spectra can provide these services as a second step!
Rockin 8mm on the Spirit in Full HD Resolution at Spectra!
We wanted to do it right the first time!
After some testing, it was found that the only way to make
the lower formats shine to full potential on a Spirit SDC 2000 telecine was to design a dedicated 8mm gate with proper optics. In April of 2010 Spectra gave the go-ahead on engineering plans to begin this manufacturing process. Because it was new territory, everything from lenses to the gate sprockets had to be custom fabricated. For the first time in the US, a new small format gate will be available at Spectra that allows both super 8 and regular 8 formats to be scanned in full HD resolution off a Spirit.

Seeing the difference!
The Spirit SDC 2000 produces far less noise, especially in the highlights (such as white sky), when compared to older “tube” CRT telecine machines like the Cintel Millennium II or Data-Mill. Additional improvements include smoother picture (less grain) and reduction in visible dirt and scratches due to diffused xenon arc light source. Spirit transfers simply look better on a big plasma or LCD screen. Additional testing on the new V3-S gate also reveals results that are far superior to the factory DFT 16mm gate mod with improved resolution (see below). For the best 8mm broadcast HD, blow-ups or historical archives, Spectra is the only professional source with the system to back it up!
What about the 8mm Spirit “mod” used elsewhere?
The DFT factory mod is commonly used on the Spirit as a low budget alternative to allow super 8 to be scanned using a 16mm gate. But, don’t let anyone fool you! The optics on a Spirit 16mm gate are fixed and only intended to focus a Super 16mm frame down to a 1920 pixel line-array CCD (capturing chip). Since the added DFT modification does not alter the 16mm optics for 8mm, super 8 resolution on a Spirit is limited to about 860 pixels (closer to standard definition) due to a much smaller image size on the capture chip. Undesirable electronic zooming (blow-up) and “up-res” must then be done internally with the scanned image so the Spirit output can fit it into an HD frame. Although this up-res output stream may appear to correspond to 1920 X 1080
HD, the original image itself is still only 860 pixels worth of resolution which barely exceeds standard def!
It’s all about the glass!
With Spectra’s new V3-S dedicated 8mm gate and its correct optics, we can now use the entire surface area of the chip in the Spirit allowing for the first, true 1920 pixel scan (more than double the resolution of the 16mm modification)! The only limitation will be the film itself!
Super 8 Millennium vs Spirit
Comparison Video

Special thanks to Christian Schneider for producing a direct, unbiased comparison of the same 8mm footage transferred on our Spirit SDC 2000 at 1080 resolution versus a competitor’s Millennium II at 2K uncompressed resolution. Both the BW and color films are somewhat grainy due to high film ASA, format and lighting. The example shows the Spirit producing more crisp detail, accurate color with no additional digital noise. Proof that a more advanced capturing array, superior optics and a trained colorist at the controls will continue to lead the pack in quality.
This explains why only the very best facilities still use the Spirit telecine for professional work while Millennium and the newer budget scan machines on the market fail to measure up even though they may claim to offer “more resolution”. As a million dollar machine, the Spirit was designed with amazing optics and capturing that currently surpass all the competitors regardless of their claims. See the difference Spirit makes!
16mm 3K vs Spirit Comparison
Thanks to another client of ours for a direct comparison of 16mm transferred on our Spirit at 1080 resolution ( far right) versus a competitor’s Bayer scanner at 3K resolution (left). Both versions were professionally color corrected by each facility for finished editing and viewing.
Again, the example shows that Spectra’s Spirit and trained colorists provide much better detail and color. Leaves and bark on the tree appear colorful and detailed while the 3K scan tends to be soft and washed out. The positive black and white Spirit image also shows much more dynamic range and crisp detail of tree branches while there is little to see from the 3K version.

As we see, what is advertised as more is actually less. Although the modern scanner may suggest a 3K capture spec, there are system shortcomings that significantly effect picture resulting in less actual resolution. Low budget Bayer scanners of today still can not compare to the extraordinary quality built into a line array Spirit.

New! Tape Capturing/Digitizing
Tape Format | DVD Mpeg-2 (DVD stock included) | Editable Quicktime .mov File (on hard drive) |
Hi-8, Digital 8, Video 8 | 195.00 per Hour | 95.00 per Hour |
MiniDV Tape (Standard SP recordings only) | 195.00 per Hour | 95.00 per Hour |
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** All digitizing is billed at 1:1 ratio and will not include color or audio corrections. Any additional viewing or organizing of tapes that we are required to do will be billed separately. Capture files delivered as editable, standard definition DV MPEG-4 .mov.
Color Correction Options
Cost Savings or Simplified Work-flow? Your Choice!
Unsupervised Onelight
Available on Spirit or Scanity scanners. Intended for evenly exposed pictures shot at a single location. Color and exposure is only adjusted once at the head of a reel using a “flat” setting. More intensive color corrections would need to be done with the raw files within our Nucoda color suite (or elsewhere) at additional cost. While additional time and/or billing may be required for color grading as a separate step, this method is the most affordable option while capturing from film! An unsupervised session is billed at a flat 2:1 ratio based on film run time.
Unsupervised Scene to Scene (recommended!)
Available on Spirit scanner or Nucoda color suite. Intended for multiple locations and exposure situations (interior, exterior, etc). A qualified Spectra colorist carefully reviews the
footage and adjusts color and exposure as needed within any scene lasting 10 seconds or longer! This form of color correction greatly reduces the amount of correction work required during editing for much smoother work flow and lower grading cost down the road. This is Spectra’s recommended choice! An unsupervised session is billed at a flat 3:1 ratio based on film run time.
Supervised Session
Available on Spirit scanner or Nucoda color suite. Client attends the session and calls all the shots on color and exposure with the help of a qualified in-house operator provided by Spectra. While this form of color correction can be the most intensive, it is usually by far the most expensive! Sessions are billed by the hour according to list rates.
Hi Definition Framing Options – Your Choice!

HD 4X3 Pillar Box
An entire 1:33 film frame is visible with no resolution or image loss. Black “pillars” are inserted on right and left to fill in the unused portion on the HD screen. This is the ideal choice for archives.

HD 16X9 Full Screen
The default for full resolution super 16. Film such as super 8 or standard 16 must be cropped in removing some top and bottom of film frame to fit an HD screen. Ideal for fluid transitions with HD video.

Remote Server Cloud Access for Film Dailies
Spectra now offers instant remote server accessibility to fully editable film transfer dailies from any computer in the world. This means that a director in New York, editor in Los Angeles and DP in Brazil can all gain accessibility to film dailies for expedited editing and creative decision making. Our cloud also doubles as your file vault for 30 days in case previously downloaded files are accidentally deleted.
Be aware that download times, while usually much faster than shipping, may require hours to download depending on file size and user internet connections. Considering this we suggest the following:
- Download from wired connection with 1Gb/s service if possible. Wireless connections not recommended!
- Be sure your computer settings do not activate “sleep” mode or shut down during the download.
- Try to avoid resource-heavy internet activities while downloading.
- If you have marginal internet, avoid downloading multiple files at once.
Client Supplied Drives – Additional Services | Per Session |
30 Day File Vaulting Service – Up to 100GB of added protection! 10 cents/ Gig beyond 300! | 25.00 |
Drive Reformatting to exFAT – All files will be deleted. | 25.00 |
Drive Missing Elements – Missing cables or power cord that we procure for job completion. | 25.00 |
File Recovery – Any file restoration and download without prior vaulting service (not guaranteed) | 300.00 |
Data Management – Contending with inadequate storage, slow transfer rate (under 500MB/s) or defective drives. 1/hr minimum. |
50.00/Hr |
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Client Drive Requirements
Spectra permits clients to supply their own media for transfers as a cost savings courtesy (solely at the risk of the client). There is no extra charge for this courtesy if the “Mandatory Drive Requirements” bellow are followed. We require fully compatible drives that will allow us to complete your job in a timely manner without incurring extra cost or delays.
Spectra does not provide a guarantee or warranty on scans when using customer supplied media. When using a client drive, files will normally be purged from Spectra’s server immediately after a file transfer has been completed. Only new drives purchased directly from Spectra provide a scan/drive warranty with a 30 day recovery safety-net in case of drive failure.
If you wish to supply your own drive, optional file vaulting service may be purchased separately with rates starting at just 25.00. File vaulting will maintain your files on our server for 30 days in case the files on your drive are accidentally deleted, damaged or lost in transit. If you wish to have your files vaulted please let us know in advance!
To avoid additional service charges we require that you include a drive that adequately conforms to all of the following requirements. Please read carefully below:
Mandatory Drive Requirements
1. Submission A reliable drive filling the requirements bellow must be included when film is submitted for services. We do not hold film or maintain customer files on our server until a suitable drive can be delivered. Nor do we exchange new drives from our inventory for replacement drives purchased elsewhere. If a suitable drive is not submitted with film, we will supply a nonrefundable, quality drive billed at Spectra’s current list price to avoid workflow delays. Retaining a reliable drive on standby is critical to completing jobs with speed and efficiency while allowing limited server storage to be cleared for new clients.
2. Compatibility Drive must be formatted partition-free as Windows exFAT, NTFS or Mac OS extended – journaled and compatible with Mac OSX 10.6.8 operating system. Windows FAT32 formatting is unacceptable due to limits on individual file size. Improperly formatted drives will incur a 25.00 reformatting fee!
3. Connectivity Any required data cable, power cord or external power supply must be included. Data cable must plug into a standard USB 3.0 type A or USB-C host connection. Drive must be plug and play (no software requirement). Any required power supply must plug into a US standard 60Hz 120V wall socket.
4. Specifications Reasonable write speeds are needed for expedient job delivery while helping to reduce download queue times for other clients. With this in mind, customer drives (preferably SSD) must be capable of at least 500 MB/s write speed. An hourly data management fee will be assessed for any drive that falls below this speed threshold. Additional fees will also apply if a customer drive lacks adequate storage or fails to function properly.
Potential Service Charges
We must have your drive filling all the requirements above when film is submitted or a quality drive from Spectra’s inventory will automatically be added to customer billing to avoid job delays. Any missing elements that we must supply for the operation of customer drives (such as data cables or power cord) will require a mandatory $25.00 service charge. Any needed Mac reformatting is $25.00 per drive and will delete any existing files. If your files are not vaulted with us and you can not recover them from your drive due to damage or loss, we charge a minimum $300.00 file recovery fee (assuming files can still be restored). Client drives that are troublesome, slow (under the 500MB/s threshold) or lack adequate space will have a 50.00 per hour fee applied for data management services. Any vaulting, reformatting or missing element fees may be waived if a new drive is purchased directly from Spectra to complete the given job in a timely, efficient manner (see “New Media” above). Remember – anything that causes us or our other clients delays will result in an additional charge!