Kodak 16mm Vision 3 200T 7213 Color Negative Film

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Kodak 16mm Vision 3 200T 7213 Color Negative Film

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KODAK Vision3 200T [7213]
16mm Color Negative Film

This is a medium grain movie film with excellent versatility for most shooting situations.  200T may be shot under normal sunlight with an 85 correction filter or under moderate lighting at 3200K color temperature. This film is tungsten balanced and rated ASA 200 with up to13 stops of latitude.  This film is a negative which is NOT suitable for film projection.  Digital scanning is required (available from Spectra) to view pictures normally.

Select from 400′ loads or 100′ daylight loads depending on your shooting needs.  400′ loads contain 11 minutes of film while 100′ loads contain 2.75 minutes of film if shot at 24fps.  400′ loads must be loaded in total darkness while 100′ loads may be loaded in subdued light.   See the “Specification” tab above for more technical details on this product.

If purchasing film bundled with developing, please be sure to return all Spectra barcodes on film containers to redeem services.  Film without barcodes can not be redeemed!

Choose to buy film only or bundle with processing for a substantial discount!